In early 2018, in Frankfurt, Germany, two avid football fans, Marcus and Martin, used to watch matches together and discuss jerseys. Their love for jerseys is not only limited to the teams they support, but also includes a love for the history and culture of football. They often collect old jerseys and dreamed of having a platform where they could share their love for jerseys.

After a few months in the making, Marcus and Martin decided to create the Football Jersey Hub, a platform where they could not only buy jerseys, but also learn about the stories and culture behind them.

Initially, Football Jersey Hub was a small online shop selling vintage and modern jerseys from around the world. However, Marcus and Martin soon realised that they were offering more than just jerseys. They were offering a way to connect with other football fans and share their love of the sport.

Football Jersey Hub quickly gained success and became a gathering place for football fans around the world. The site offers thousands of jerseys from hundreds of teams, as well as extensive information about the history and culture of the jerseys.

Marcus and Martin are proud of what they have created. They believe the jersey aggregator is more than just a shop. They are committed to providing football fans with a place where they can share their love of the sport.

Football Jersey Hub, Marcus and Martin are proof that with dedication and perseverance, anything is possible.Football Jersey Hub also has plans to open a brick and mortar shop in the next few years.

Marcus and Martin believe that Football Jersey Hub will continue to be a gathering place for football fans around the world. They are committed to providing football fans with a place where they can share their love for the sport.